Sedation options for kids who need dental treatment
“What kind of sedation options are there for children who need dental treatment?”
When your child needs dental treatment, it’s easy to wonder how they will react to the procedure. It’s very understandable for a child to feel anxious about getting dental treatment. And you may wonder if your child will cooperate enough for the pediatric dentist to complete the dental work.
Sorenson Pediatric Dentistry provides various sedation options for your child.
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous Oxide or laughing gas is useful for older children, will little or no anxiety. It can help them undergo simple dental procedures, like sealants. The gas is administered through a mask to enhance communication while reducing pain and gagging in children with mild anxiety. The best part of nitrous gas is that it is exhaled quickly at the end of the appointment and the children go home without any long lasting effects. The child will breathe through a small mask, a combination of nitrous oxide gas and oxygen, they will remain awake and responsive throughout treatment.
Conscious Sedation
This is an oral sedation to help children with mild to moderate anxiety. This type of sedation can be used with many patients to create a positive experience. to build upon in the future and help them to have good long term memories of going to the dentist.
Your child will be awake and conscious during the dental procedure. Your pediatric dentist will use a combination of medications to help ease your child through their dental treatment. Conscious sedation helps your child to relax and prevents them from feeling pain. Your child will be more cooperative and that will help the doctor complete the procedure quickly and easily. Since they’re awake, your child can answer their dentist’s questions and follow directions if necessary.
General Anesthesia in a dental office setting
This is one of the most common sedation options for children who are young, anxious, and/or have extensive dental treatment needs. Sorenson Pediatric Dentistry has a state-of-the-art Pediatric Dental Treatment Room in its office for the use of dental procedures for its Pediatric Patients.
Our office is designed to accommodate the dental anesthesiologist and their equipment. Click here to learn more about Dr. Lemon, our pediatric dental anesthesiologist.
This is the safest way to complete dental treatment for young children or those with anxiety. All treatment will be completed in one visit. Your child will be able to “sleep & be comfortable” during the procedure.
General Anesthesia in a Medical Facility
Sorenson Pediatric Dentistry has privileges at an Ambulatory Surgery Center who provide the anesthesia and facility services to our pediatric patients in the Las Vegas area.
When your child is experiencing severe tooth decay or for a special needs patient who will likely have a difficult time lying still during a dental procedure, general anesthesia is the safest and best way to complete dental treatment.
Anesthesia will be provided by an anesthesiologist and your child will also be monitored by nurses. While Dr Levi Sorenson and his assistants will perform the dental treatment. Your child will be comfortable and asleep during the dental procedure and will not experience any pain or discomfort.
If your child needs dental treatment Dr Levi Sorenson will explain to you why sedation is needed and discuss the details of why a particular sedation type is appropriate and best for your child. Sorenson Pediatric Dentistry takes every aspect of your child’s level of comfort and dental needs in determining the best course of treatment recommended.
Here is some more information on general anesthesia for children.
Thousands of pediatric dentists in the US use anesthesia and sedation in a dental office setting. It is the safest way to complete treatment for young children and children with high anxiety.

Does your child need dental work and you’re unsure of how they will react and which sedation option is best? Contact Sorenson Pediatric Dentistry to find out about our anxiety-free dentistry options.
Call us and schedule your child’s appointment today: (702)586-4347
Our highly trained team will make every effort to ensure our young patients receive the best possible dental care with the least amount of discomfort or anxiety. Contact us today!