first dental visit

Why baby teeth are important

why baby teeth are important

Why are baby teeth important? That’s a question pediatric dentists get a lot. Another one is: Why should I fix baby teeth if they are just going to fall out? Here are some reasons why baby teeth are important. What is the purpose of a baby tooth? To hold space for the adult teeth. If […]

Airways in Children

airways in children

Airways in Children: Why Parents Should Pay Attention to Their Child’s Breathing Your Child’s Breathing Is Important You should encourage nasal breathing rather than mouth breathing, especially while you are sleeping. As well as allowing the lungs to receive more oxygen, nasal breathing also acts as a filter to prevent some small particles from entering […]

Food That Is Good For Healthy Teeth

food for healthy teeth

Food That Is Good For Healthy Teeth What kind of food is good for healthy teeth? In addition to protecting your teeth and keeping them securely in your jaw, good dental health involves caring for the tissues, fibers, mineral-based surfaces, and bone that protect them. For your mouth to remain strong and healthy, it needs […]

Should I use fluoride toothpaste for kids?

fluoride toothpaste for kids

Should I use fluoride toothpaste for kids? Using fluoride toothpaste for kids is a big concern for parents. You hear so much conflicting information, that it can be very overwhelming as a parent on whether to use fluoride toothpaste for your young child. Here are the fluoride recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. […]

Is silver nitrate good for kids?

is silver nitrate good for kids

Is silver nitrate good for kids? You may be wondering, is silver nitrate good for kids? Is it an option if your child has a cavity? Silver Nitrate or Silver Diamine fluoride has been approved by the FDA to be used by pediatric dentist for children’s cavities. What is Silver Nitrate? Silver Nitrate is a […]

How to maximize your dental insurance

How to maximize your dental insurance

Use it or Lose it! How to maximize your dental insurance What does it mean to maximize your dental insurance benefits? Most dental insurance plans reset in January, which means that any unused benefits get lost. For example, if you have $800 left in your insurance maximum of $1500, on January 1st it gets reset […]

What to Do With All that Halloween Candy!

What to Do With All that Halloween Candy!

What to do with all that Halloween candy? Halloween is one of the most popular holidays in the country and a question we get is, “What to do with all that Halloween candy?” The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), is strongly recommending caregivers and parents to be aware of the type of candy their […]

Is Fluoride Safe For My Child?

is fluoride safe to use for children

Is Fluoride Safe For My Child? A lot of parents wonder if fluoride is safe for their child. The American Academy of Pediatrics has said that “fluoride remains a powerful tool to prevent decay.” Did you know that cavities are the most common disease for young children, and it’s responsible for millions of school hours […]

What is a sealant

is a sealant good for my child's teeth

What is a sealant? Is it good for my child’s teeth? A sealant is a thin plastic coating that is painted onto the surface of your teeth. It is applied to the chewing surfaces of molar teeth, which have grooves and deep pits. The material is applied into these pits and grooves and then hardens. […]

Dental care for you and your baby

Dental care for you and your baby

Dental care for you and your baby Congratulations on the coming birth of your child! You may be wondering what you need to do to take good care of you and your baby’s oral health. Should you be doing anything different? Is it even important since they don’t have any teeth yet? Read on for […]